Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Bandits and Outlaws

I would like to propose that the Royal Family are bandits. They cost taxpayers £37.4 million a year according to official figures which equates to 69p per person in the population or £1.33 per taxpayer. That doesn't include the cost of police protection, which according to Paul Stephenson the Met Police comissioner was at £50 million per year as of March this year. It also doesn't include travel costs at £6.5 million.
I don't understand why we still pay them money when they own properties, businesses and have assets totalling, according to the B.B.C of 2.7 billion pounds. That was in 1999, so that figure will be more now, as, according to figures, they see an increase in their income and assets by at least 4% every year. Surely it is unfair that we are subsidising people who do not need it. I think that they are bandits for accepting public funds when they don't need it. I don't think we should have a monarchy at all, but that's another arguement!
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8124022.stm

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