Sunday 14 February 2010

My opinion on smoking

I was a smoker for 12 years, and only gave up on the 3rd January 2010, so at the moment, I still slightly resent watching people smoke! I have found that the most difficult part of not smoking is the social aspect. I am used to going outside and having a chat and a smoke with other smokers, and that has been the change that affects me the most. Hopefully soon I will be able to socialise with other smokers again!

I do think that your background determines whether you smoke or not. My grandfather died of lung cancer, and I sometimes think that perhaps I would not have started smoking if I had seen the effects, but I never knew him. My parents have never tried a cigarette for that reason, they saw him die painfully.

I watched my elder sister smoking as I grew up, and looking back, I think I subconsciously believed the marketing ploy that smoking is cool.

Nicotine's physical cravings only last for 5 minutes, but the habitual nature and social aspects of smoking are harder to break. I found the "Allen Carrs Easy Method" book to be the best. It explores the psychology of cigarette addiction, and that if you can change your thinking about smoking being

  • relaxing

  • stress relieving

then the giving up is easy.

This method is about changing the smokers attitude to smoking and removing the fear of giving up. It is an interesting look at the psychology of smoking.

1 comment:

  1. i understand how you feel i felt the same that smoking was cool and to be part of something, good for you giving up it was the best thing i ever did however i feel that feeling of escape you get never goes and when i see people smoke now and smell it the memory of happy carefree days remain.
