Bandits and outlaws in the modern sense can also be people who go against socially accepted norms. One of my heroines and someone in the news a lot at the moment because of the election, is Salma Yaqoob. If she is elected, she will be Britains first female muslim M.P.
I think it could be argued that she is a modern heroine. She is in politics despite opposition to her being much more than is usual for an election candidate. She has even had death threats for her anti-discrimination views on homosexuals.
I think that heroism is about sticking to beliefs and trying to make a difference to peoples lives, even if that makes your own life more difficult, such as in Salmas case.
She has been criticised by some non-muslims for wearing a veil and by some muslims who ask her husband why he allows her to speak in public. In a Guardian newspaper article http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/apr/23/respect-candidate-muslim-women-politics
she says that she is therefore sometimes treated like an outlaw because of views like these.
Her website and her political views are here: http://www.salmayaqoob.com/
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