Wednesday 5 May 2010

Bad Cinema

Most films that could be considered to be bad involve violence, sex, drugs or a combination of them. Kids, the film we watched in the lecture, was depressing to me more than it was shocking. And the sound of the kids kissing made me feel sick. I found it depressing because it was fairly true to life and depicted wastes of lives. What they were doing wasn't shocking though it was extreme, and I felt sorry for the characters and their equivalents in the real world.

I think that films like The Godfather, Scarface, etc, although really entertaining and good to watch, are too slick and polished, which portray bad acts as being glamorous. Bad films don't always show bad things such as murder in a way that conveys the reality of that act. Whether that influences some people I don't know. I think that it could have some impact on children watching.

A bad film to me is something more gritty and realistic, which I think has an effect on the audience. An example would be Nil By Mouth. What I consider to be bad, and what the censors consider to be bad seem to be very different. For example, the film "Team America"s puppet sex scene was censored for some audiences. I think that censorship like this is ridiculous. Censorship is explained here.

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