Saturday 1 May 2010

Booze Britain (and drugs)

The Alcoholics Anonymous website says that it's defintion of an alcoholic is:

"If you repeatedly drink more than you intend or want to, or if you get into trouble when you drink, you may be an alcoholic.
Only you can decide. "

This is quite a personal definition then, there are no set levels of alcohol consumption. This definition could apply to most people who drink, I think most people sometimes drink more then they intend to, for different reasons, usually social. For example, when in a pub, out with friends, and someone asks you to stay for just one more, although you intended to leave.
Because it's up to the individual, the A.A seems pretty relaxed, but once you have declared yourself an alcoholic, they advise:

"We in the fellowship of A.A. believe there is no such thing as a cure for alcoholism. We can never return to normal drinking, and our ability to stay away from alcohol depends on maintaining our physical, mental, and spiritual health."

So that's it. No more drinking. This suggests the A.A view alcohol as other illegal drugs are viewed..for most people it could be said that they wouldn't consider it o.k for an ex heroin addict to have a hit now and then..and that seems to be the case for alcoholics with the A.A.

Alcohol for most people is considered o.k, heroin is not, but is it about the drug, the frequency of the use, OR whether it affects someones life.

My opinion is that anything that people use to get into an altered state of conciousness is up to them. I think that children should be given the real facts about booze and drugs, which seems to be the case now, with Frank and other advice places.

Nobody should be dependant on anything, but if people use sensibly, I do not have a problem with drink or drugs. I think there are risks, for example, for some people with underlying mental illness, that everyone planning to use drugs or alcohol should be aware of, but risks are taken every day and many people don't have bad consequences because of being drunk, or taking drugs.

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